Integration for relational databases has been extended, as well, with compatibility provided for new database versions and database vendors. Support now includes:
- SQL Server® 2012
- PostgreSQL 9.0.10, 9.1.6, 9.2.1
- IBM DB2® 9.5, 9.7, 10.1
- Informix® 11.70
- MySQL® 5.5.28
- Sybase® ASE 15, 15.7
- Access™ 2010, 2013
- XML Schema 1.1 support
- Powered by RaptorXML for lightning-fast validation and processing
- Smart Fix validation with auto-correction now extended to Schema View
- XPath 3.0 support
- XSLT 3.0 (subset) support
- XQuery 3.0 (subset) support
- Support for XBRL Formula and XBRL Concept Types
- Ability to display multiple validation errors at once
- Support for new databases
- Integration with Eclipse 4.3
- Ability to generate sample XML instances with all schema choices
New in MapForce® 2014
- Support for XML wildcards (xs:any and xs:anyAttribute)
- Support for comments and processing instructions in output XML
- Integration of RaptorXML
- New function to calculate age based on a birthdate
- Support for new databases
- Integration with Eclipse 4.3
New in StyleVision® 2014
- Support for new databases
- Integration with Eclipse 4.3
- New option for rendering section breaks - ability to avoid a blank first page
New in Authentic® 2014
- Support for new databases
- Integration with Eclipse 4.3
New in UModel® 2014
- Support for project-related SPL templates
- Support for new databases
- Integration with Eclipse 4.3
Get complete details and upgrade to Version 2014 now! If you have active Support and Maintenance, this is a free software update.
Version 2014 of Altova Server Software is also available for download, with new features including support for caching results in FlowForce Server.
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