Sunday, February 28, 2010

XMLSpy 2010 日本語版のご案内

XMLSpy 2010 は、バージョン 2010 の Altova 製品としては初めての日本語版製品となります。新たに日本語化された XMLSpy XML エディターは部分的に翻訳されていた既存のバージョンを置き換え、ユーザは英語ならびにドイツ語版で既に利用可能な XML に関する全ての編集、変換、そしてデバッグといったパワフルな機能を利用することができます。

XMLSpy 2010 は完全に翻訳された初めての日本語版製品となりますが、他の製品の日本語版も数か月中にリリースを予定しており、その後日本語のリファレンスマニュアルならびにウェブサイトが続くことになります。地域化サービスを社内で行うことで、日本市場に対する我々のコミットメントを示し、削減した経費を顧客に還元します。

XMLSpy 2010r2 を既にお使いのお客様は、既存のキーコードを入力することにより全ての言語のバージョンでロックの解除を行うことができます。または、30日間の無料トライアル版の XMLSpy 2010 をダウンロードすることで、バージョン 2010r2 で利用可能な全てのパワフルな機能を使用することができます。

Downlaod Japanese versions of Altova software

XMLSpy バージョン 2010r2 はネイティブ64ビットへの対応を含め、多数のスピードならびにパフォーマンスの向上が図られています。100MB以上の XML ファイルを使った作業を行う場合、64ビットのオペレーティングシステムに最適化されたスピードとパフォーマンスの恩恵にあずかることができます。新しい64ビットバージョンの XMLSpy 2010 にて非常に巨大なファイルを使った作業を行う際には、マシンに搭載されているメモリの容量が唯一の制限になります。

日本語版の Altova XMLSpy 2010r2 には現在スタンダード、プロフェッショナル、そしてエンタープライズエディションが用意され、価格は149ユーロ (約18,200円) からになり、現在 Altova Online Shop または小売店を通してお求め頂けます。

Introducing XMLSpy 2010 Japanese Language Edition

XMLSpy 2010 is the first product in Altova’s all-new Version 2010 Japanese product line. The new fully localized Japanese edition of the XMLSpy XML editor replaces the previous partially translated version and allows you to take advantage of the same powerful functionality available in XMLSpy’s English and German counterparts for editing, transforming, and debugging XML-related technologies.

XMLSpy 2010 is the first product to be completely translated but we have plans to release Japanese language versions of our other products in the coming months, followed by Japanese reference manuals and a Japanese Web site. Our decision to bring the localizations services in-house demonstrates our commitment to the Japanese market, and allows us to pass that cost savings on to you, our customers.

Current XMLSpy v2010r2 customers can now unlock any language version using your existing key code, or download a free trial of XMLSpy 2010 to begin using all of the powerful new functionality available in Version 2010r2.

Download Japanese versions of Altova software

XMLSpy Version 2010r2 delivers several new speed and performance enhancements, including a native 64-bit version that allows you to take advantage of the speed and performance optimizations associated with 64-bit operating systems while processing XML files that are 100 MB or larger. With the new 64-bit version of XMLSpy 2010, the only limitation for working with very large files should be the available memory on your machine.

The Japanese language version of Altova XMLSpy 2010r2 is currently available in Professional and Enterprise Editions and is available for purchase now from the Altova Online Shop or through your preferred reseller.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

HL7 and XML Healthcare Data Integration at HIMSS10

Altova is kicking off the 2010 trade show season with our first participation in the annual conference of the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS). The HIMSS10 conference will be held on March 1-4 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.

We’re looking forward to demonstrating the functionality in XMLSpy 2010 for editing, analyzing, and validating HL7 healthcare data. We will also show how MapForce 2010 can map older EDI-based legacy healthcare records to the latest XML-based HL7 v3.x standard.

The example below shows a simple MapForce mapping to update an HL7 v2.6 message to v3.x.

MapForce mapping for HL7

This will be our first opportunity to demonstrate the new Altova MissionKit 2010 Release 2 with significant speed and performance enhancements across the product line. Come see the new 64-bit versions for yourself, or download a free trial today.

If you are one of the expected 30,000+ attendees traveling to Atlanta for HIMSS10, stop by and see us at booth 5744. Or click here to get more information on the Altova MissionKit and HL7.

Friday, February 19, 2010

MapForce v2010r2 New Features

2010 has already been a very busy year at Altova, with our v2010r2 release now just three days old. Continuing on the Most Wanted theme of our v2010 launch, we have added several great new features to MapForce in response to customer requests (just in case you thought we weren’t listening) – but first let’s talk a bit about 64-bit versions.

MapForce, and all of the other tools in the MissionKit, are now available in 64-bit versions for the same price as the 32-bit downloads (SMP subscribers can use their current keycodes for 64-bit versions). Customers running 64-bit operating systems will now be able to take full advantage of much faster processing speeds for integrating large files (100 MB+) in MapForce.

For the developers, we have also added support for external C# and Java calls in mapping transformations, so that you can get an accurate preview of your mapping in the output window. We’ve also developed a new process for adding C# and Java libraries – by simply selecting the .NET assemblies of Java class files to import.

For EDI specialists, we’ve added automatic generation of X12 997 functional acknowledgement messages to confirm message receipt or relay transaction errors.


And… for everyone else, we’ve added three new string functions: tokenize, tokenize-regexp, and tokenize-by-length.

As you can see, there’s a little something for everyone here, so download a free trial of MapForce today to check it out – or, if you have SMP, take advantage of your free upgrade!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Release 2 of the Altova MissionKit 2010


Release 2 of the Altova MissionKit 2010 delivers radical performance optimizations and new 64-bit product versions


Altova 2010 Release 2We are very excited to announce Release 2 of the Altova MissionKit 2010, which includes numerous performance optimizations, new features, and native 64-bit versions across the product line.

New 64-bit Altova Tools

Release 2 of the Altova MissionKit 2010 is available in a 32-bit version as well as a new 64-bit version for users running operating systems such as Windows 7 (64-bit) and Windows Vista 64-bit. There are many advantages realized with 64-bit versions – more about these in subsequent posts – but the most significant is the reduction of limitations associated with working with XML files sized anywhere from 100 MB up to the gigabyte range.

Of course, R2 is also delivered in 32-bit versions that include all of the new features described below. The 32-bit versions will run on both 32- and 64-bit operating systems.

Altova 2010 Release 2For all database-enabled MissionKit tools, support for IBM® iSeries® has been extended to include the latest version, 6.1. Database users also now have the option to connect via the pure ODBC API instead of using Altova’s native support for a particular database. The native database support generally provides more functionality, but there may be instances when the user prefers the pure ODBC API. A convenient dialog offers access to either communication method.

Below are just a few highlights of the new release. See full details and screenshots.

XMLSpy 2010 R2

In addition to a new 64-bit version, Release 2 of XMLSpy 2010 delivers optimizations for working with large files in Text View and Grid View, faster XML Schema-based validation, and long-awaited support for HTTPS in the SOAP client and SOAP debugger. R2 also delivers support for versioning on SharePoint® Server, so you can now read/write files on the CMS with full check out/check in functionality.

SharePoint XML editor

XMLSpy has long provided royalty-free code generation based on XML Schemas in Java, C#, and C++ for Windows – and with v2010r2 you can also generate C++ for use on the Linux platform.

More R2 Highlights

Adding to 64-bit versions across the product line are these new features:

  • New data processing functions and EDI mapping options in MapForce
  • Support for editable variables in Authentic forms designed in StyleVision
  • Support for the latest UML version 2.3 in UModel
  • Integration into Windows Explorer for diff/merge in DiffDog
  • Support for WSDL 2.0 in SchemaAgent
  • And much more

Check out all the details.


Updates and Upgrades

clip_image005For customers with an active Altova Support and Maintenance Package (SMP), v2010r2 is an entirely free update. Simply download and install the latest version to have access to all the new features.

When you purchase SMP with your Altova product, you get priority technical support, plus all major software versions and maintenance releases during the support period for free. It’s really a great deal.

Try Free

As always, you can evaluate any Altova product with access to full functionality for 30-days, free of charge.