Tuesday, August 28, 2012

FlowForce Server Beta 3 is Now Available

Altova FlowForce Server Beta 3

MapForce 2012 users who need to automate data transformations in a centralized environment are enthusiastic about FlowForce Server, the new server product from Altova that automates execution of MapForce data transformations. Now we are pleased to announce the release of FlowForce Server Beta 3, offered as a free public beta test to all licensed users of Altova MapForce 2012 Enterprise Edition and MapForce 2012 Professional Edition.

The beta test period for FlowForce Server Beta 3 is extended until March 31, 2013.

FlowForce Server Beta 3 adds support for remote job requests via an HTTP client and job parameters that can be passed to any step in a job. When used together with the request interface, job parameters empower the HTTP client to specify input values in the job request.

FlowForce Server Beta 3 also permits any job to be called as a step within another job, implements individual job queues that make it possible to control server resources used by jobs, and adds many more refinements and enhancements.

FlowForce Server Beta 3 is available in a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version. The 64-bit version allows the MapForce Beta 3 module to process extremely large data files and provides compatibility with 64-bit database drivers.

Click here to read more about FlowForce Server Beta 3 at the Altova Web site, or visit the FlowForce Server Beta 3 download page to get started automating data transformations in your data center!


Stewart said...

What is the schedule release date for the product?

DaveMcG said...

Much of the new functionality in Beta 3 came directly from user requests, and we haven't set a release date yet to allow the development team to respond to additional suggestions. The beta period is scheduled to run through March 2013 to provide plenty of evaluation time for existing and new users.

Unknown said...

I'm having an issue with the server only processing about 800 records. It doesn't matter if I process them all at once or separate jobs. Is the Beta limited in functionality?

DaveMcG said...

There is no built-in functionality limitation in FlowForce Beta 3. Can you please report this issue to the Development Team using the FlowForce Beta 3 feedback form at http://www.altova.com/support_supportform_beta.asp .